Patient Resources
Use the sections below to find out more information about the services available to you.
Chronic Pain
Chronic or persistent pain is pain that lasts beyond 12 weeks, or longer than the natural healing time. There is a lot of useful information to provide support and advice on management in the following websites:
- Chronic pain | NHS inform
- Versus Arthritis has a lot of helpful information for patients who suffer from arthritis, exercises that can help joint pain and information of medications used to treat pain and arthritis. Versus Arthritis | A future free from arthritis
- Pain Concern |Pain Concern | Bringing the pain community together
- This is a helpful short video explaining Chronic Pain and what you can do to help your symptoms Understanding Pain in less than five minutes (youtube.com)
- Home – Flippin’ Pain (flippinpain.co.uk)
- Pain Toolkit – Pain Self Management by Pete Moore
Functional Neurological Disease
- A helpful site to help you understand Functional Neurological Disease (FND) – Functional Neurological Disorder (FND) – A Patient’s Guide to FND (neurosymptoms.org)
If you would like to discuss options for Contraception please arrange an appointment with one of our Practice Nurses or GPs.
The information here is helpful in providing you further information on all of the options available: Contraception | NHS inform
Please see the links below for further information on Coils and the Contraceptive Implant, both of which can be fitted at Heilendi.
- HORMONAL COIL: IUS (intrauterine system) | NHS inform
- NON HORMONAL/COPPER COIL: Copper coil (IUD) | NHS inform
Mental Health
Counselling in Orkney
- Relationships Scotland Orkney (RSO) provide confidential counselling, mediation and family support. For more information and how to contact please visit: RS Orkney
- Right There provide counselling and support for young people up to the age of 25 years old. Find out more by visiting: Right There
- Orkney Blide Trust is a charity, a company and a voluntary organisation offering services for people with mental health problems and their carers across Orkney. Find out more by visiting: Orkney Blide Trust
- IESO is a useful online text based Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) programme. Free to register via the link here: iesohealth.com
- Breathing Space is a free confidential service for people in Scotland. Open up when you’re feeling down – phone 0800 83 85 87 or visit: Breathing Space
- Samaritans is a registered charity aimed at providing emotional support to anyone in emotional distress, struggling to cope or at risk of suicide. Find out more: Samaritans
- Sleepio is a six week clinically proven programme to to treat insomnia, available free on the NHS. Find out more here: Sleepio
- Vital Talk is a small local charity which offer general counselling for those aged 16 years old and over. To contact please see below:
- Email: enquiries@vitaltalk.co.uk
Tel: 07510927444 - Website: vitaltalk.co.uk
- Visit: Vital Talk Orkney Counselling Service
The Life Centre
East Road
KW15 1LX
- Email: enquiries@vitaltalk.co.uk
The following resources are useful to help you understand Diabetes with advice on further management:
- My Diabetes My Way – An interactive resource to support individuals with diabetes.
- MyDesmond | Prevent or Manage Type 2 Diabetes
- Diabetes UK
Men's Health
- Please click here to download Orkney Prostate Awareness (OPA) guide to PSA testing.
- Please click here to download the OPA guide “What are the signs of a prostate problem?”.
- If requested by a member of the team at Heilendi, you can download an International Prostate Symptom Score (IPSS) Form here.
Some useful resources for women on the menopause and treatment options including HRT.
Sexual Health
- You can request to have an STI screen done at the practice. This is a quick and easy test to do and usually involves a simple self taken swab or a urine sample.
- To request a test please either speak to a nurse or GP.
- For further information please see: STI testing at home | NHS inform
Click here for information about how to take a self taken swab
Nordhaven is the local sexual health clinic based at The Balfour. You can arrange an appointment directly without referral. Please see their website for further information: Click here to visit Nordhaven Clinic
Turn to SARC
The NHS Scotland sexual assault self-referral phone service can help to arrange care for you in the days following a rape or sexual assault. The service may be able to arrange for you to have a forensic medical examination (FME) at a SARCS without making a report to the police.
Please visit: www.nhsinform.scot/sarcs
Musculoskeletal Conditions
Click here to visit: Versus Arthritis Decision Aids