Heilendi is a Training Practice
GP Training Practice
This means we may have a Doctor working within the team who is training to be a GP. They are a qualified Doctor with experience of working in other hospital specialities and will work under supervision of other GPs within the practice. When booking your appointment you will be informed if you are booking in to see a GP Trainee.
Video Surgeries
Occasionally, GP trainees have to record their clinics as part of their training programme. If this applies to an appointment you are booking you will be asked at the time of booking if you consent to this and you will also be reminded at the time of checking in. If you do not wish for your consultation to be recorded please advise either the reception team of the GP trainee.
Medical Students
Heilendi is an Undergraduate Training Practice for Medical Students from the University of Aberdeen and University of Dundee (Scotgem students). Students are either in their 4th or 5th year of studying Medicine (studying to become a Doctor). You may be offered an appointment with a Medical Student which will be under full supervision by a GP from the practice.